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Communication ToolKit for Health Sciences

Cayla White

This project will be a compilation of resources to help with different communication skills specific to health sciences including interviewing, resume writing, and public speaking.

Communication Toolkit

Laura Silva

This project will be a compilation of resources to help with different communication skills including interviewing, resume writing, and public speaking.

Schaub Makerspace

Schaub Makerspace

Mary Isbell

This site contains information about the Schaub makerspace for faculty and students

Speech and Language Pathology Grad Collab 22-24

Cayla White

This is a collaborative project where graduate SLP students will compile and build resources that can help develop and refine clinical skills, deepen critical thinking skills and share and analyze evidence base practices.

Theater Arts Callboard

Theater Arts Callboard

Meg Savilonis

Callboard for University of New Haven Theater Arts Program’s Productions

Introduction to Audiology

Laura Silva

This project focuses on capturing resources that can be used to understand the basics of audiology and hearing sciences.

Charger Commons Collaborative

Charger Commons Collaborative

Meg Savilonis

Public Scholarship Projects developed by the Charger Community

Arts & Humanities Research Series

Mary Isbell

A grassroots research series organized by faculty for faculty

Inclusive Pedagogy

Khadija Al Arkoubi

This project aims at empowering students to craft scenarios describing situations from the classroom, or the university environment where inclusion has been lacking. Faculty members will be welcome to reflect on […]

Chargers as Pedagogical Partners (CAPP)

Devon Moore

This initiative aims to encourage the growth of student-centered courses on campus. The program facilitates the partnership of student consultants and instructors as co-developers of course materials and partners […]

Gina Dragonette’s Writing Portfolio

Gina Dragonette’s Writing Portfolio

Gina Dragonette

A portfolio of my writing across several different genres.

Hoss’ House

Hoss’ House

Ethan Carig