Matt Wranovix’s Profile

Active 2 hours, 1 minute ago
Matt Wranovix
Humanities and Social Sciences


Thinking Historically about Monuments and Memorials

Thinking Historically about Monuments and Memorials

This is a site to host case studies of historical monuments and memorials by students in HIST 1000 at the University of New Haven.

Thinking Historically about Covid-19

Thinking Historically about Covid-19

The purpose of this course will be to help students think historically. When historians study the past, they are invariably affected by their current moment. In turn, the study of the past enables us to see the present in a new light. The present affects the questions we pose to our historical evidence, while study of the past raises new questions about our own historical moment. To help you learn how to think in this way, we will study the current Covid pandemic in light of research into past pandemics. Students will share the fruits of their new historical awareness by collaboratively creating a website that will place the Covid pandemic into historical context.

Course Test

Course Test

Test description

HNRS 3000 Book Club

HNRS 3000 Book Club

“The first rule about Book Club is that you do talk about Book Club.” Book Club is an honors course designed to allow small groups of faculty and students to read and discuss specially selected books. Discussion groups will be limited to five students allowing for great depth of conversation and close faculty-student interaction.

Digital Humanities Lab

Digital Humanities Lab

The digital humanities lab is a 1-credit course designed to help students discover digital tools and techniques that they can apply to any discipline they are exploring at the university. Students in the humanities have devised projects for SURF, forensic science students have used interactive mapping and timeline tools to present their research, and marine biology students have created podcasts to educate the general public. Guided by an interdisciplinary team of faculty, students in the lab learn about the projects faculty have mentored in the past and gather via zoom for weekly workshops to experiment and brainstorm possibilities.


Open Pedagogy at the University of New Haven

Open Pedagogy at the University of New Haven

This site contains information about the open pedagogy fellowship program at the University of New Haven

A Guide to Honors Thesis Research and Writing

A Guide to Honors Thesis Research and Writing

The goal of this project is to collect and construct guidance and advice for the process of developing, researching, and writing an honors thesis.

How We Teach

How We Teach

A place for faculty to share ideas, experiment, and discuss that thing we all have in common: teaching.

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