- OpenOpen
ENG 1203: Writing Public Policy
This course will explore political writing through close readings of essential texts and…
- OpenOpen
Representations of ”the Criminal”
In this course, students will examine how representations of “the criminal” in literature and visual culture are constructed and circulated for a variety of purposes. We will look closely at the ways ins […]
- OpenOpen
TBD Coming soon
College Algebra for the Curious and Active Learner
This course can be used as a supplement to a College Algebra course. Topics include: an extensive study of functions including transformations and function composition; linear and quadratic equations and […]
- OpenOpen
- CloneableCloneable
research (and creativity) from students in MUSC-4451-01H
PSYC 3330: Community Psychology Photovoice Projects
PSYC 3330 Community Psychology Photovoice PAR Projects (Spring 2023)
Welcome to the website for the Participatory Action Research (PAR) Photovoice Projects from PSYC 3330 Community Psychology – Spring 2023. Here you will find the photos, narratives, and action steps that each of […]
This portfolio shows the CAD design and Analysis I have made and carried out as a part of my projects.
- OpenOpen
A Writing Intensive (W) course is a class taught by a faculty member in his or her own discipline in which writing is considered a central mode of learning and evaluating student performance.
- OpenOpen