Final Project

As we made our way through units on natural phenomena, species, predators, and invasives, we focused on finding representations, preparing object labels, and deciding how we wanted to encourage each other to think about these representations.

For the final project, you are invited to revisit and expand on the ideas that emerged through those first four posts. You can do this in a variety of ways. I list options below, but I’m also open to other possibilities, so let me know what you’re thinking!


  • Propose a new unit for inclusion in this course and create a post to introduce the concept to your classmates (in the spirit of “What are Predators?” and “How we talk about Invasives”). The final project should include the post to kickstart the unit and the assignment prompt for the unit (both can be in a single post). This does not need to become public. I considered, but did not yet develop, the following topics that you are welcome to play around with if they are of interest:
    • The Universe
    • Non-Human Communication
    • Non-Human Perception
  • Revise three or more of your posts for inclusion in our course website, which I will make fully public at the end of the semester. This will involve expansion of your ideas and careful attention to attribution statements for images and other content created by other people. All work will be public.
  • Prepare 3-4 representations for display in the third floor hallway of Harugari Hall (and elsewhere, if you want!). This might be the featured images you selected for the first four assignments, or it might be new representations (or some new, some old). Each representation should be accompanied by an object label, which does not need to be formatted as a table, but should include all information we have been putting in object labels and have a clear goal of helping viewers interpret what you have selected. This will be public (but could be displayed in a space other than Harugari, if you want). I will arrange to have the images and object labels printed before the final exam. That is, I will coordinate the exhibit.
  • Revise one or more posts for inclusion in the first edition of the open textbook I’ll be creating for this course in Summer 2024. This will be public.

Assignment Requirements

To be complete, your final project (whether it is new work or revision of your earlier work) should accomplish three specific goals. We will do small assignments over the coming weeks to meet these goals.

  1. With reference to reliable source materials, describe your sense of the significance of the artistic practice or methodology that was used to create the representations you focus on.
  2. Introduce, with reference to reliable source materials, at least one branch of the natural sciences related to the species or concepts related to the representations you focus on.
  3. Isolate for interpretation at least two specific features of each representation you focus on, whether it is to share your interpretation of these features or to prompt future readers to formulate their own interpretations. (So, you might share the impact these representations have had on you in a paragraph or you can pose questions to help readers think about the impact the representations might have on them).

Looking ahead to the “Final Exam”

The final exam activity will involve sharing final projects. I will also set aside at least thirty minutes during the final exam period for each of you to compose a statement of practice, which will describe specific things you have learned in this course and how those things will inform your behavior in the future. This might be related to a future career or it might be related to your non-work life.