“Krásná Amerika”

“Krásná Amerika”

From left to right: Jerome Patek, Jim Patek, Charlie Patek (back), John Patek,
Ladie Patek, Joe Patek

“I sure wish polka music like [Joe Patek Orchestra] was still around,” Mary Ann Pullin commented in a blog post. That blog post commemorates the legacy of the Joe Patek Orchestra and the influence they had on musicians across Texas. The blog can be read here.

Krásná Amerika translates to Beautiful America and was performed all over Texas by the Joe Patek Orchestra. The band has made such a lasting impact on polka music and music in Texas that there is a book called Krásná Amerika which talks about Czech Texan heritage.

Front cover of “Beautiful America” which covers Czech Texan life and the history of the culture.

The band began with John Patek when he moved to Texas at the end of the 19th century and started a family. He was already a musician in Czech, and when he moved to Texas he continued his career in Shiner, TX. His son, Joe Patek, took leadership of the band in the mid-1900s and performed their popular songs through rural towns and big cities. Joe Patek became one of the most popular Czech polka bandleaders with the Joe Patek Orchestra.

Within Shiner, TX, the Patek family is well known. The Patek family has a pharmacy, grocery store, and a lot of other stores that descendants of John Patek own. People say “Shiner, Texas is known for the [Joe Patek] Orchestra and Shiner Beer”.

Google Map Screenshot of Shiner, TX in Relation to Large Cities. Red Star is Shiner.

Shiner, TX is located in the middle of several of the main cities. It is in the middle of rural Texas, but the band could go to the large cities with a couple hour drive and perform there over the weekends.

Google Map Screenshot of Shiner, TX

Shiner, TX is a small town that may be overlooked, but it has a lot of musical history as well as influence on the culture with its Shiner Beer.

Shiner, TX and Patek Grocery & Market Store.

The Patek Family still has a grocery store in Shiner, TX where John Patek’s descendants own and run the business.

Krásná Amerika became popular within the Mexican-American communities and each cultural music influenced the others. Krásná Amerika is considered a polka song with western influences. Polka music is distinguishable by its 2/4 time. Joe Patek Orchestra was a different style of polka with a “harder sound and emphasis on swing”. There is a mix of German, Bohemian, and Mexican-American cultures in Texas, which shows in Krásná Amerika.

Overall, the Joe Patek Orchestra changed the sounds of Czech-Texan music and influenced Texan polka music and other musicians. It was a prominate band and their name will forever be known in Shiner, TX.

Youtube Song of Krásná Amerika
Krásna, to je krásna, to je krásna Ameríka

Ameríce tam je bláze
Tam teče pívo po podlaze
Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka

Protože všichní se jdeme
Do Ameríce po je jdeme
Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka


Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka
V Ameríce jsou slepíce
Tý ne jsou vejce ják čepíce

Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka

Protože všichní se jdeme
Do Ameríce po je jdeme
Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka


Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka
V Ameríce že tam je hej
Tam plýtka teče petrolej
Krásna to je krásna to je krásna Ameríka
Translation (By Google Translate):
Beautiful, it's beautiful, it's beautiful America

America is crazy over there
There is beer flowing on the floor
Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America

Because we all go together
We are going to America for them
Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America


Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America
There are chickens in America
Those are not the eggs of the yak hat

Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America

Because we all go together
We are going to America for them
Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America


Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America
In America that there is hey
Kerosene is flowing slowly there
Beautiful it is beautiful it is beautiful America

Works Cited

“History at Home.” History at Home, https://www.thc.texas.gov/public/upload/publications/Education/hah/pq_HatH_German_Heritage_polka_09_20.pdf. Accessed 20 February 2023.

John, Clinton, and James W. Machann. “Krasna Amerika: A Study of Texas Czechs, 1851-1939|Paperback.” Barnes & Noble, 1 May 2001, https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/krasna-amerika-clinton-machann/1114257929. Accessed 20 February 2023.

McKee, Gary E. “Last Member of a Legendary Band — polkabeat.com.” polkabeat.com, 25 October 2015, http://polkabeat.com/blog/t459wuxqs1pw9ox3xo8knbxkfjy37n. Accessed 20 February 2023.

Ondrusek, John. “Czech Lyrics.” Czech Melody Masters, https://www.czechpolka.com/lyrics.html. Accessed 20 February 2023.

Rivard, John, and Laurie E. Jasinski. “TSHA | Polka Music.” Texas State Historical Association, 4 June 2015, https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/polka-music. Accessed 20 February 2023.

Schnautz, Brandy. “TSHA | Czech Music.” Texas State Historical Association, 11 December 2006, https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/czech-music. Accessed 20 February 2023.

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