Kaitlin Brown’s Profile

Active 20 hours, 24 minutes ago
Kaitlin Brown
Forensic Science


Story & The Brain

Story & The Brain

Why did that movie make you cry? Why does that novel make you feel like you can do anything? Why do you always feel better after listening to that stand-up comic? How is it possible that you fell in love with that fictional character? This class will explore how story impacts our brains by taking an unconventional approach to the study of literature and psychology. We will approach stories as tools that do work on our brains and design hypothetical experiments that may challenge the limitations of current technology. Students will select new stories to read, chronicle their own unique reading experiences, research how the emotions they experience have been studied, and design new experiments to study the complex and fascinating relationship between story and the brain.

Gender and Sexuality in Popular Music (Spring 2024)

Gender and Sexuality in Popular Music (Spring 2024)

student work from MUSC 4451

Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing

Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing

Syllabus and assignments for students enrolled in Dr. Isbell’s Seminar in Academic Inquiry and Writing


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