Step 1: Submit your grant requirements, as a pdf, to Canvas. I will work individually with each of you to decide which of the requirements you will tackle for the final project.
Step 2: Create a folder in OneDrive called “Lastname Grant Components” and share the entire folder with me (and your groupmembers, if you would like). You should have a document for each specific component and a document presenting the grant opportunity and the review criteria (you may need to create this document if it doesn’t already exist as a pdf).
Step 3: Write and revise each component, using deadlines in our course schedule to keep on track.
Step 4: After submitting the complete project, reflect on the decisions you made, respond to my feedback, and evaluate the final product (according to the review criteria) in a project reflection.
Step 5 (optional): Before the last day of class, prepare a single pdf with the components of your grant for submission to our Final Exam Review Board. This pdf should begin with a description of the grant and as detailed a description as possible of the review criteria. Send this pdf as an e-mail to Dr. Isbell with the subject line “Submission to Final Exam Review Board.” I hope I receive many of these!!