Join the Team

Transforming Humanities Texts is seeking collaborators on many aspects of this project. Participants will be named on this site and invited to whole-group and smaller team meetings. Synchronous participation in these meetings is not required, but encouraged! All meetings will be recorded and shared so folks can stay caught up and make contributions.

Assignment Template Team

These assignments will support outcomes being incorporated into the connected core

  • Your Public Self: Thinking through Audiences for Your Work by Mary Mahoney
  • Open Licensing: How Does Your Work Build on Existing Open Work? by Mary Isbell
  • Initial Annotations by Mary Isbell
  • Annotations for an Audience by Mary Isbell

Compose an Editorial Introduction

Transformation Resources Team

This team will develop resources to support faculty as they incorporate open editions into their courses. We will focus first on support for publishing an edition on a course website built with WordPress or Pressbooks. This team will also develop templates for the following components of an edition

Editorial Introduction

Accessibility Statement and Checklist

Source Description



While an anthology project might call this group “Editors,” the structure of the project means that you create an edition for your own use with the resources we will be refining over the life of this project. If you plan to create an edition for your course using our resources (hopefully, while also helping us build those resources), then we think of you as an adopter. We hope that you will also submit your edition (at any stage of development) so others can build on your work, but that is not required.