
Faculty produce editions for use in courses and, through a series of assignments, faculty and students increase and improve the editions by producing new introductory materials, suggesting better structure, and crafting more helpful notes.


This text was not produced for you. Well, that’s not exactly accurate. This edition you are reading was produced very specifically for you. In fact, it’s still being revised for you and we hope that you’ll contribute work so that your name will someday become a part of it.

Create an Edition

For as long as technology has facilitated the inexpensive reproduction of text, teachers have been making copies of things to assign to their students. This is a good thing; it usually indicates that teachers are doing whatever they can to bring the best materials together for students (at the lowest cost).

Join the Team

Transforming Humanities Texts is seeking collaborators on many aspects of this project. Participants will be named on this site and invited to whole-group and smaller team meetings. Synchronous participation in these meetings is not required, but encouraged! All meetings will be recorded and shared so folks can stay caught up …