
Thoughts Toward An Introduction (in process)

(to be made available under CC BY to be included at the start of each edition and potentially expanded to include particular editorial choices made by faculty and students)

This text was not produced for you. Well, that’s not exactly accurate. This edition you are reading was produced very specifically for you. In fact, it’s still being revised for you and we hope that you’ll contribute work so that your name will someday become a part of it. I say that the texts weren’t produced for you because the text you’re about to read was published in a different time and place. It’s been edited to be read in a new context. You are the new context, but we also want you to dig into the earlier contexts of these stories, plays, essays, and. We want you to think about who produced them and how they were received. [more questions]. This is the work of humanistic inquiry and we believe it emerges from genuine questions that you formulate when encountering things that are perhaps a little confusing. And so we don’t give you answers with our introduction and notes. Because, it’s almost a cliche to say this at this point, but there are no wrong or right answers to the kinds of questions we want you pursuing.

[a section in the works–this will lay the groundwork for two distinct but related activities. One will be on students’ web presence (and an environmental scan of their current digital footprint). The other will be on copyright and open licenses as it relates to choices students get to make about their work being incorporated] Think about how student content will be licensed and work this into the assignment. Talk about what copyright means and what licenses enable. Think about how the materials students find to incorporate into their annotations need to follow these same principles.

This text [is/isn’t] in the public domain, meaning it is free to [draw on language from Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain] it. The work you will produce in this course could be incorporated into a future edition, and so you will get to make decisions on how you license your contribution [expand].