If you are a fan of rock bands and songs with relatable meaning, then you need to explore the band Five Finger Death Punch. Five Finger Death Punch is an American rock band that has gained great fame in the last couple of years. It has a huge following among rockers, but what makes this group unique is that it is listened to by individuals that would not consider themselves to be rock fans. The music this band performs targets topics that are difficult to talk about. These deep meaningful songs are what attracts such a wide range of listeners and fans. Some critics would like to say that FFDP is not “hard enough” when compared to other rock bands because of the meanings and structure behind their songs. If you are a rock fan you know the infamous comment of referring to soft rock as a “Nickelback” band. Nickelback has been long criticized for their softer tones and lyrics. People constantly talk about how they should not be categorized as the genre of rock. Some critics have compared FFDP as a harder “Nickelback”. Even though there are critics, this band is still able to appeal to a large and diverse audience.

Over the years FFDP has been known for producing music that addresses the difficult topics that are usually avoided. By incorporating these topics into their songs, it creates depth behind their music. Many of the bands songs that have deep meanings are regarding mental health, soldier’s life’s, addiction and emotional struggles. Their listeners and fans are able to relate to many, if not all, of the subjects touched upon which is different from many other groups. One theme that appears in many of FFDP’s songs is that they are okay with being different. In their eighth album called F8 the band clearly states that they are okay with not being liked by everyone when they sing,” You can love it, or you can leave it”. This phrase is from their song Inside Out. This is a message that the band has promoted from the very beginning of their bands career, that being different is okay. That is an empowering message especially in today’s world where people are becoming more and more unique.

The bands lyrics appeals too many individuals that like rock songs because they are very relatable. The band is very open when it comes to their struggles they have been through as well as their personal faults. By hearing these lyrics, it can help listeners feel like they are not alone in their own personal struggles. It also allows for listeners to feel that what they are going through is not unnatural. This band is able to create a sense of community through their music as well. When attending their concerts fans are very open to meeting each other and rocking out together. Throughout the concert the members of the band keep everyone engage by chanting, talking about relatable experiences, and promoting unity. The band also invites all young children that are attending the concert to go up on stage with them to dance and sing to their songs. By having a sense of community this creates a huge fan base.

Over the years FFDP has been able to create lifelong fans. Even though new songs are always coming out there are still songs from the bands very first album that re played. These songs include “White Knuckles”, “Never Enough”, “The Bleeding”, and “Death before Dishonor”. No matter what the critics of this band say, Five Finger Death Punch will long live on. Whether you want rock out or need something to relate to there is something for everyone to listen to.