Kira Lichtblau’s Profile

Active 2 years, 10 months ago
Kira Lichtblau
Criminal Justice


HNRS 3000 Book Club

HNRS 3000 Book Club

“The first rule about Book Club is that you do talk about Book Club.” Book Club is an honors course designed to allow small groups of faculty and students to read and discuss specially selected books. Discussion groups will be limited to five students allowing for great depth of conversation and close faculty-student interaction.


Chargers as Pedagogical Partners (CAPP)

Chargers as Pedagogical Partners (CAPP)

This initiative aims to encourage the growth of student-centered courses on campus. The program facilitates the partnership of student consultants and instructors as co-developers of course materials and partners in improving and innovating student-centered teaching and learning across the University.

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